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  5. Elementor Header (PRO)

Elementor Header (PRO)

Elementor Header is a premium feature of Enwoo PRO addon.

With Elementor it is possible to replace whole header with Elementor template.

Elementor template in customizer

Firstly create the Elementor template for your header. Navigate to your WP Dashboard – Templates – Add New and build your header.

Once you have created the Elementor template navigate to Customizer – Theme Options – Header – Header. Switch the header to load from Elementor and select the Custom Elementor Header. This will disable the theme default header and load the defined Elementor template.

Creating Menu

Because free Elementor not include the menu widget, you can use some free plugin to create your menu with Elementor.

You can use for example free Mega Menu plugin – Max Mega Menu – How to use it documentation

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