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Theme Translation

The Enwoo theme comes with .po / .mo files and it is fully translatable. It can be translated using any softwares such as POEdit, GlotPress, or some plugins.

Translating with GlotPress

GlotPress is an online software located on WordPress.org, that is used by WordPress for translations.

  1. Visit the GlotPress project on WordPress repository here
  2. Login (or create account)
  3. Choose language from the list – click on the language name
  4. Click on any string to translate

Once you translate all strings, some “Editor” must check them and approve. This takes some time. Once it will be approved, the translation will be delivered with the theme/plugin installation.

Export and use the translation files

If you wish implement the translation in your website immediately, you can export the current translation files in the .po & .mo format and use on your website by uploading it to the languages folder using FTP / SFTP with correct naming convention.

  • For themeswp-content/languages/themes/
  • For pluginswp-content/languages/plugins/

How to export

Correct .po/.mo file name is very important. This will make sure that WordPress understands what language you are referring to. Be sure to prefix the text domain before the language code. Capitalization is also important here.

Examples of file names. You can check the correct language codes here. Examples:

  • For German: enwoo-de_DE.po & enwoo-de_DE.mo
  • For Russian: enwooru_RU.po & enwooru_RU.mo
  • For French: enwoofr_FR.po & enwoofr_FR.mo
  • For Japanese:  enwooja.po & enwooja.mo

Example location for German language theme translation:



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